The dark truth behind the Devil's Game is that without Balance, its players pave a path to the eventual destruction of civilization by misleading mankind towards its own demise.
Through constant adversity, people gain more power by exploiting, conquering and overcoming their environment.
Enemies will always be created or discovered around them so as to feed this constant revolutionary evolution. Some may rise as temporary winners but everyone falls in the end.
The expression "The Devil is in the Deuce" refers to an internal split within the Soul that brings about an endless series of wars that plague civilization. The social and spiritual gaps between people are where Devils thrive by exploiting Division to spark a Revolution and become the Kings, Queens and Jack Dragons of destructive conflict.
Since it feeds on Chaos, the alluring aspect of Dizlan is that it brings about revolutionary freedom and rapid expansion. The Root Logik originally gives rise to 3 BASE Logix bound to one another by the spiritual Kindren layer's emphasis on unity.
Next, the Dizlan Flame inspires a branching out from the base by way of its users seeking a more individualistic approach to establishing one's Legacy. Even though Power can be quickly gained through this constant struggle for prosperity, an imbalance would still trap us back in an overall cycle of conflict.
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The graphic below displays the Dizlan Mountain, a triangle of Power cycling through the rise and fall of a dominant Establishment called the Beast. Rebel Dragons create the Flame of Revolution that perpetually challenges and topples the reigning Establishment.
Those that suffer defeat or remain powerless from the struggle will fall into a dark realm of discontent called the Dires. The Phantom inhabitants of this state become lost in the shuffle of a broken society, thus allowing the Reaper to manipulate them through propaganda and social influences.
When the old Establishment becomes weak or vulnerable, the Reaper sweeps disgruntled Phantoms into the Dragon's Flame to ignite a new Revolution. Beasts will always credit themselves for the advancements of civilization under their watch as a way to prevent the next inevitable downfall.
Each conflict widens the gap within society as the new Beast promises to bring prosperity to those that follow it while casting opponents down into the Dires. The Ten Troubles thrive within these rifts and give the Reaper even more lost souls to harvest.
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"Melancholy is our Haven and those that can dwell in Darkness shall be its eternal Angels. The gutter has been a rugged womb for my children."
~ Quyen Lenoir ~