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About the MLX Project

Ayah Logik is the ideal state of having spiritual Chaos and Order in Balance.

MLX is a social mission project as well as an urban fantasy story. Its underlying theme explores a broken Soul's journey to find Peace.

The fractured nature of this collective Soul Entity is symbolically represented by the continual strife of an island colony populated by diverse factions.

The main plot follows this congested island metropolis and the rebels of its lawless suburbs as they struggle to balance Unity with Progress.

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• Magic & Time •

MLX characters are organized and divided by their "Sandbox Logic". This is commonly called "Logik" in the story and it functions as a representational magic for each character. On a deeper level, the Logik category (plural: "Logix") signifies a chosen path to progress and empowerment.

Most of the Logik classes are sequentially organized in relation to the 7 days of the week. Monday through Saturday covers the 6 central categories of Order while Sunday relates to the 2 spiritual paths.

Like the days of a week, this story's timeline actually cycles back upon itself as the characters continue to repeat the mistakes of the past. Therefore, a character may refer to an event in the past tense even though it has yet to happen in their current timeline.

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• SOUL's Play •

S.O.U.L.'s Play is a type of engineered 'Storytelling' system designed around 'Social Outreach', 'Social Unity' and 'Social Learning'. Members of our Kindren Tree Campus network engage in this system by performing as story characters or making other supportive contributions to the MLX Project.

Soul's Play relates to how we develop human potential around the story fiction by creating real-world opportunities for people to explore, collaborate and inspire each other's growth.

Each Project Event is either an online or local collaboration that mostly centers around the publishing of a single episode and should only involve about 1 hour of each participant's time. Members are rewarded with community points while helping to realize our mission goals.

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"Dreamers can always paint a pretty picture but they never know how to live within their own frame."
~ Jacita Saito ~